Daniel Benzali stars as a pit bull of a car salesman who trains his crew to bilk customers out of as much cash as possible. Things go astray in Reggie’s tightly-run venture when loan sharks call in a salesman’s substantial debts.
Directed by Roger Nygard, written by Nygard and Joe Yannetty.
Starring Daniel Benzali, Louis Mandylor, Lori Loughlin, David Ackert, Adrienne Anderson, Peter Breitmayer, David A. Brooks, Larry “Bubbles” Brown, BT, Jeanne Chinn, James Dalesandro, Eli Danker, Wayne Duvall, Bobby Gaylor, Rick Hurst, Jake Johannsen, Walter Jones, Karen King, Phil Nee, Eric Poppick, Michael D. Roberts, Valente Rodriguez, William Shockley, Tim Thomerson, Daniel Villarreal, Darren Ward, Jimmie Wood, and Joe Yannetty.

U.S. Comedy Arts Film Festival Aspen, USA Film Festival Dallas, AFI Los Angeles Film Festival, Mill Valley Film Festival, Palm Springs International Film Festival, Cinequest San Jose Film Festival, Minneapolis/St. Paul Film Festival
2000 Cinequest San Jose Film Festival
Special Jury Artistic Merit Award
2001 Video Premiere Awards
Best Screenplay

“… an awesome performance, wrapped around a great movie that’ll make you think twice before buying that next car.”
— Al Brumley, The Dallas Morning News
“…Roger Nygard’s exhilaratingly cynical car salesman film Suckers has the macho punch of a David Mamet drama.”
— Susie Eaton Hopper, The Minneapolis Star Tribune
“…a gleefully misanthropic take on new-car salesmen.”
— Paul Cullum, LA Weekly
“…Roger Nygard’s abrasive comedy about car salesman is one of those laugh-yourself-sick movies about things most people hate.”
— David Hunter, The Hollywood Reporter
Interview with Roger Nygard by John Gaspard
Dramatic Comedy, 1h 27m
16×9, HD & 4k from 35mm
Production Stills .

#1. Bobby & Reggie

#4. Co-writers Roger Nygard & Joe Yannetty

SUCKERS stars Daniel Benzali (left) and Louis Mandylor (right).

Director Roger Nygard (center) is flanked by SUCKERS stars Daniel Benzali (left) and Louis Mandylor (right).

Eddie (Michael D. Roberts) tells Bobby (Louis Mandylor) to keep his eyes on the entrance to the dealership, and if he sees a car, to yell, “Coming in!” (Left to right: Wayne Duvall, Utah Blue, David Ackert, Louis Mandylor, Michael D. Roberts, Daniel Villareal, Darren Gray Ward).

The salesmen wait for their next sucker.

Reggie (Daniel Benzali; standing) motivates his salesmen (left to right: Daniel Villareal, BT, Louis Mandylor, Eli Danker, Valente Rodriguez).

Bobby’s wife Donna (Lori Loughlin).

Behind the scenes, Roger Nygard (left) and Lori Loughlin (right).

A timid customer (Peter Breitmayer) ends up crying in the shower with his invoice.

Pathetically nervous customer (Larry “Bubbles” Brown) fervently hopes he can get a deal.

Customers played by Phil Nee and Jeanne Chinn pretend they can’t understand the salesman, in an attempt to get the upper hand.

A customer played by James Dalesandro spends waayyyy toooo much.

A Texan (Rick Hurst) refuses to go inside the dealership to make a deal with Mo (Eli Danker).

Reggie (Daniel Benzali) loses control of a deal in SUCKERS.

Bobby (Louis Mandylor) faces decision time.

Director Roger Nygard (left) with SUCKERS star Daniel Benzali (right).

Director Roger Nygard (left) with SUCKERS star Daniel Benzali (right).

Director Roger Nygard (left) with SUCKERS star Daniel Benzali (right).

A main title still frame from the movie SUCKERS.

2001 DVD art.

2020 DVD art.

#2. SUCKERS Whole Team

#5. Reggie, Roger, & Bobby
The poster for SUCKERS with Daniel Benzali, Lori Loughlin, and Louis Mandylor.

All the salesmen from SUCKERS; back row, left to right: Wayne Duvall, Eli Danker, Michael D. Roberts, Daniel Benzali, Louis Mandylor, Josh Sweet, Valente Rodriguiz, David Poland; front row, left to right: Daniel Villareal, Darren Gray Ward, B.T., Utah Blue, David Ackert.

The salesmens’ Saturday morning meeting.

Behind the scenes while shooting a Saturday morning meeting.

Salesmen compete on the floor. JJ (BT) and Mo (Eli Danker), along with Eddie (Michael D. Roberts).

Behind the scenes while shooting on the sales floor.

Reggie (Daniel Benzali) interviews Bobby (Louis Mandylor) for a job.

Bobby (Louis Mandylor) gets advice from veteran salesman Mo (Eli Danker).

A customer (Karen King) turns the tables on salesman Marco (Valente Rodriguez).

Team leader (Michael D. Roberts) Eddie closes a deal.

Reggie (Daniel Benzali) motivates salesman.

Loan sharks David A. Brooks and William Shockley.

Behind the scenes with Roger Nygard, David A. Brooks, Louis Mandylor, and William Shockley.

Director Roger Nygard (left) with SUCKERS star Daniel Benzali (right).

Director Roger Nygard (right) with director of photography Nathan Hope (left) and Gaffer Cort Fey (center).

On the dealership set.

On the boat set.

#3. On the Line

#6. Lance & Joe

Bobby (Louis Mandylor) and Reggie (Daniel Benzali) wait for their next customer.

A customer (left, Jake Johannsen) is suckered into a deal by a SUCKERS salesman (right, Joe Yannetty, co-writer).

Joe (Joe Yannetty) fleeces a customer (Jake Johannsen), but not hard enough to satisfy Reggie (Daniel Benzali), so Reggie fires Joe.

Reggie (Daniel Benzali) motivates his salesmen.

Bobby (Louis Mandylor) works on his first customers (Adrienne Anderson & Eric Poppick).

JJ (B.T.) and his goons (Walter Emanual Jones and Aaron Hoffmann) take Reggie (Daniel Benzali) hostage.

Drug dealers Little Scar (Bobby Gaylor) and Big Scar (Jimmie Wood).

The Detective (Tim Thomerson) investigates the mayhem.

Tim Thomerson prepares to arrest somebody, but then decides to buy a car instead.

Director Roger Nygard under the gun, from Tim Thomerson.

Bobby (Louis Mandylor) and Eddie (Michael D. Roberts) survive to sell another day at the Southside Car Dealership.

2001 Sales poster.

2001 Sales poster.